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Israel the homebound prodigal son longing for His Loving Father 

David P. Goldman and Tzur, equate Jewish with Israelite which is a common error if stated by the uninformed. But it can only be construed as misinformation given that Goldman considers himself a cultural historian and a student of Jewish theology.


Jewish is a covenantal & cultural, national identity trait for the descendents of the Southern Kingdom of Judea which included Judah, Benjamin, Levites and Cohens. The Jewish national identity also describes indo-aryan-mongol stock converts from the Turkish Khazarian kingdom subjects. They became Jews after their mass conversion that took place several centuries ago. But there were representatives of 12 tribes (and egyptians) present at Mount Sinai with Moses.


The ten lost tribes of the Northern Kingdom of Israel are NOT Jewish. They are Israelites and they were lost through their captivity in Assyria. They can not be "Jewish" following a Pharisaic Rabbinic concept as this was developed in Babylon long after the Northern Kingdom was taken captive to Assyria. No one but God knows where the Israelites are today and who they are. But the true sign of the Messiah's return is His regathering of the ten lost tribes and His restoration of them to their inheritance in the land of Israel.


Messiah will sit on the Davidic throne and rule over both Judah and Israel. Present day Judaism, both secular and religious representatives based in Jerusalem and elsewhere, claim to speak for the twelve tribes of Israel but they can only speak for the Southern Kingdom due to a conflict of interest (read proof of this in the Jewish bible's book of Ezekiel 11:15). Indeed, the Southern Kingdom of Judah kept their national identity "alive" in spite of exiles and captivities by keeping sabbath, Torah and feasts. But there are millions of descendants "in the flesh" of the ten lost tribes who forgot their Israelite covenantal & cultural national identity because they didn't keep sabbaths, feasts, circumcision or Torah in their exile. These Israelites are "in the valley of the dried up bones" Ezekiel 37:11. Yet, they are still "chosen ones" to partake of their inheritance in the holy land although they have lived as goyim among the gentiles through many generations. Think of the parable of the prodigal son, as depicting the homebound prodigal son, Israel.


Repentant Israel is different from the sour grapes son, Judah, who remained home keeping the Torah, circumcision, sabbaths and feasts but was upset and saddened by his Father's joy due to his younger brother's unexpected return.

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